Meet Dr. Suzanne

Hi, I am Dr. Suzanne!
I am a chiropractor, I am married to a chiropractor, I am mom to three active teenagers, I am an online keto/fasting coach, creator of the Fasting Solution programs, and I am absolutely passionate about helping people reach their health potential. This is my “why” on this planet.
I have always loved being active. I played soccer my whole life. I LOVE lifting weights, I have run marathons, competed in adventure races and Jiu-Jitsu competitions, and I rowed on the Rutgers University crew team.
At 20 years old, I ended up herniating my L5 disc during a powerlifting workout for my crew team. I was in excruciating pain and ended up having to quit the crew team. That summer I went home to the New Jersey shore and started seeing a chiropractor for the first time. She helped me so much that six months later, I was enrolled in chiropractic school at Life University in Marietta, GA.
Chiropractic school opened my eyes to the amazing healing potential that our bodies have. I learned all aspects of healthy living, and my family’s path has greatly changed because of this. I am so grateful for that initial injury that was the catalyst in all of this.
Despite everything that I was doing to be healthy and consistent chiropractic care, every year I would move the wrong way, or sit in the wrong chair…and boom - I would have a flare up of my original disc injury. I would sometimes be out of commission for weeks in excruciating pain. I would not be able to stand up straight, never mind take care of my kids, adjust patients, or do any of the activities that I loved.
When the flare ups would happen, I would feel completely hopeless. This continued on for over 20 years. The past few years the flare ups would happen more frequently, about two or three times per year.
My most recent MRI from last year showed that I now have four herniated or bulging discs. When you have dysfunction at one spinal joint, more joint dysfunctions often follow. I thought this was just my life sentence now: dealing with bouts of terrible back pain, just waiting for the next flare up to occur.
THEN I met Dr. Mark Jagger at a Mastermind event in October 2020, and once again my trajectory changed.
Dr. Mark is the creator of the Spine Specialist - Laser Spinal Decompression Table. It was his ingenuity that invented this combination of two very powerful technologies to create a very effective solution for people who suffer from chronic or recurring pain due to disc related issues (disc degeneration, disc herniations, spinal stenosis etc.). I selfishly thought I NEED this table in Winnipeg so I can start using it myself…(and of course help others who suffer from the same issues)!
I am a firm believer in what you put out into the universe comes back to you, and four months later, I was opening a brand new satellite clinic in Winnipeg featuring the Laser Decompression Table…and what a ride it has been! Not only has my pain never returned, others who have been suffering for decades have also experienced relief. It almost seems too good to be true, but the results speak for themselves.
The Laser Spinal Decompression Table is a very effective tool for disc related pain, but it is not everything. There are many other lifestyle factors that contribute to chronic pain, all of which must be addressed to truly heal and be your healthiest.
First, you must BELIEVE that you can be healthy and pain free. This is a very important first step. Your thoughts are more powerful than you know.
Other lifestyle factors that will affect your health and pain levels include:
➡️ Proper Nervous System function
➡️ How you fuel your body
➡️ How often you eat
➡️ Your quality of sleep
➡️ How you view and deal with stress
➡️ Movement and activity
➡️ Proper light exposure
➡️ Lymphatic blockages
➡️ Your thoughts and emotions
Just to name a few…
Many of the above lifestyle factors lead to chronic inflammation in your body. Chronic inflammation makes EVERYTHING worse, including your pain levels.
These are all things that I help my patients and online coaching communities with. It is my purpose on this planet to help others to reach their health goals, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to do so.